Many a times I wonder, are we really living in a free world? Each choice I make, is not made in isolation, but in relation or response to so many other things that are happening around me. I didn’t choose this life. It was given to me at birth.

It’s not like I am not entirely free, education did empower me; enough to critically engage with my reality before choosing the way forward. My parents are from a generation where standard responses to situations were set by society and people blindly followed them; no questions asked. Unfortunately, a lot of folks from our generation continue to live that ‘standard response guide’ kind of life.

I still remember the time when I first moved out of my house to live on my own. It was overwhelming, with all the responsibility and freedom that I had suddenly found. I never knew freedom could be so difficult to handle. Not just because of the responsibilities, but the burning out of self that came from exercising my freedom. I understood freedom came with consequences, just like the hangover from last night’s cocktails. My freedom was slave to my future self.

Then there is one’s educational institute, job/ boss/ funder, husband (in case you decide to take care of a man for his money)- all these people have a stake in your life at various points, and hence your choices depend on theirs; you are still not free.

There comes a point in your life when you give up and say ‘Heck. They’ll never let me be free. I’ll change that. I will let people be when I have the chance’.

But then you are invested in another person this time. Your time/ money/ dependence is at stake. And also, most people are unable to handle unexpected freedoms. So you have to make them work for it, rather than serve it on a platter. But then, aren’t you taking away their freedom?

I am definitely not a Modi bhakt. But I hear people are accusing him of taking too much control. I extend to them, this humble query- Are you ready to be free?


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